
Superman in Print and Other Media

Page history last edited by Sheridan Hay 14 years, 6 months ago


1) Answer the questions found below in the comments section of this page.

2) Complete the Superman in Print and Other Media chart.



The Story of Superman (from Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked

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Questions on the Film Clip:

1.  How does Superman fit into the model of a hero that was formed by the Greek and Roman myths that you read?

2.  Why did the United States "need" a hero in 1938, according to the documentary?

3.  Explain how the story of Superman might reflect the immigrant experience.

4.  Who do you think was the audience for comic books originally, prior to Action Comics?  Who do you think is the audience for the documentary (you just saw a clip from it.  The entire documentary lasts about 90 minutes)?

5.  What kinds of impression do you get of Superman from the clip?  Do you think the piece is objective (i.e. unbiased)? Build your case.


The Original Action Comic


Questions on the Comic:

1.  Does this story live up to the expectations created by viewing the previous clip?



A 1941 Superman Cartoon


Superman Radio Episode (from the 1940s)

(Click on the radio to hear the episode)



"Live" Superman (from 1950s starring George Reeves)

Watch The Adventures of Superman (1952 TV Pilot) Superman On Earth in Entertainment  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com


Questions on the Radio and TV shows:


1.  Compare the experience of viewing and listerning to episodes of Superman.  What were the challenges of listening to the story?  How did you imagine the story unfolding as you were listening to it?  What challenges were there of viewing a television program that is over 50 years old? Would these stories captivate viewers and listeners today?  What changes would have to be made?


Superman in Comics

Click on above link for images and questions.


Back to Superman 


Comments (5)

Caleigh said

at 8:37 am on May 13, 2010

1.)Many Greek heros were human with god like abilities, Hercules is a perfect example. Although he is the son of Zeus, he is a human but with an unnatural amount of strength. Super man is very similar to this.

Caleigh said

at 9:07 am on May 13, 2010

2.) Yes, the comic strip does live up to my expectations because of the time when it was made I wasn't expecting the best of graphics but the story line was still great.

Caleigh said

at 9:22 am on May 13, 2010

3.)A hero is someone who is on the right side of the law and uses his powers for good to help and save people. It also shows that a hero can be an everyday day person, i believe thats this broadens the spectrum of what a hero can be.

Caleigh said

at 12:56 pm on May 17, 2010

I like listening to the radio program because I could picture the different characters and places in my head the way I wanted to. This makes a story much more enjoyable for me.

Caleigh said

at 1:07 pm on May 17, 2010

The only thing this clip helped me understand is the reason why Krypton exploded.

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