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Important Dates, Reminders, and Links:
Updated October 15th, 2010
Food and Nutrition:
Flow Questions -
(i) name three reasons for not drinking water bottle
(ii) name three dangers to our water supply
(iii) name two things we can do to save our water
Reading Blogs:
A Light on Reading
Reference Resources:
Toronto District School Board Library Site
Toronto Star
Globe and Mail
The History of the World in 100 Objects
Canadian and World Politics Resources:
Canadian and World Politics website
...Of a Political Nature (course blog)
Reminder: To access the Canadian and World Politics blog, your gmail account is politics7538@gmail.com and your password is sickkids.
Careers Resources:
Career Cruising
Economics Resources:
English Resources:
Great Gatsby resource
The Great Gatsby etext
Gatsby Cover
Superman Images
Teen Reporter Handbook
Radio Diaries
Audio Diaries
BBC Radio Drama
Audio Fiction 1
Audio Fiction 2
Audio Excerpts
Geography Resources:
Economy of Ontario and Canada
History Resources:
Am Docs (American Historical Documents)
American History Resource
American Politics
Carrie (Historical Document Site)
Euro Docs (Online European Historical Documents)
Digital History (American History)
Law Resources:
Canada's Court System
Criminal Code of Canada (database)
Dimensions of Law website
Judgments of the Supreme Court of Canada
Judgments of the Ontario Court of Justice
Police Powers in Canada
R v. Brown Case 2003 (racial profiling)
Media and Film Resources:
Canadian Comics at the National Archives of Canada
Camera Shots
Cinema in America
National Film Board of Canada
Film Close Up
Science Resources:
Building Electric Circuits
Carbon Emissions
Eyes of Nye
National Snow and Ice Centre
Earth's Radiation Budget and the Greenhouse Effect
The Human Footprint
The Science of Climate Change
Social Science Resources:
Pyschology Resources
Howard Kuntsler website
ICT and Innovative Learning Resources:
The 21st Century Learning Initiative
The Committed Sardine
The Dewey Decimal System
ICT and Innovative Learning Readings:
"Mind/Brain Learning Principles" by Renate Nummela and Geoffrey Caine
ICT and Innovative Learning Blog
Reminder: To access the ICT blog, your gmail account is 7538ict2@gmail.com and your password is sickkids.
ICT and Innovative Learning Wiki
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