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Welcome to the Kitchen

Page history last edited by Sheridan Hay 14 years ago


Day One:  Why Do We Eat?


We considered reasons we have for eating:

physical needs



psychological needs

social needs

food symbolism - prestige, status


We viewed commercials and discussed how these commercials appealed to the reasons presented above.


Day Two:  Introducing the Kitchen


The whole idea of preparing food in a special room goes back quite a long time, perhaps as long as food preparation.  The number of tools we now have may seem excessive as well, but tools are created for a reason, and it is important to know their purpose before we start improvising.


What are the tools?


Kitchen Tool Identification

Mixing Tools

Food Moving Tools

Baking Necessities

Stovetop Cookware


What are the techniques?


Food Preparation Techniques


Putting It All Together


Which Piece of Kitchen Equipment?


Day Three:  Safety in the Kitchen


Reviewing Safe Procedures



The Future of Food (documentary)


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