
Dracula in Film

Page history last edited by Sheridan Hay 14 years, 5 months ago

What do we learn about vampires and Count Dracula from films, television, and other forms of popular culture?


View some of the following clips and note down the following in the Dracula in Film Chart.

(i) What is the tone/mood of the story? Romantic? Sinister? Horrorific?

(iI) In the Dracula movies, what are the main characters (Dracula, Lucy, Van Helsing) like? Attractive?  Weird?

(iii) From your own impressions, how closely do the vampires resemble the original Dracula?

(iv) If the film had one colour or tone, what would you say it is?



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Note:  In the scene below, all the people in the ballroom dancing are Vampires.

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