
International Courts

Page history last edited by Sheridan Hay 14 years, 8 months ago

The International Court of Justice


Task One

VIew the attached clips from the documentary "The Search for International Justice" on the development of the International Criminal Court and answer the questions below each segment.


What is International Justice?

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1.  What is the primary reason given in this segment for the creation of an international criminal court?


Introducing the International Criminal Court

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2.  Why is an international criminal court seen as necessary by many countries?

3.  How is a case brought before the court?


U.S. Opposition to the International Criminal Court

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4.  How and why does the United States oppose the existence of the International Court of Justice?  Summarize their opposition in a paragraph.


Task Two

Creating a chart,compare the International Criminal Court to the International Court of Justice based on the following criteria:

  • when it was founded, and by what organization or countries
  • the types of cases the court hears (the jurisdiction of the court)
  • its location 
  • member countries


Do you think an international criminal court is an important institution for the world to have?


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