
CLN4U1 Environmental Law

Page history last edited by Sheridan Hay 15 years ago

Environmental Law


The previous unit, Criminal Law, explored the Canadian legal system as well as individual rights, liberties, and responsibilities. 


The first two parts of this final unit, which includes both environmental and labour law, explores the idea of collective rights - rights of the community rather than just the individual - and how individuals acting together can use the law in ways that an individual acting alone cannot.


(the above section is paraphrased from the textbook, pages 354-355)


You will not be expected to read the whole  chapter, but instead, you can read the summary of important points presented below and complete a few specific readings and questions assigned from the chapter.


The Environmental Movement: A Brief History (Reading)

(from pages 357-361)


What Can an Individual Do, Legally, About the Environment? (Reading)

(from page 362-364)

Assignment:  Read Gauthier v. Naneff, pages 363-364, and answer questions 2 and 3.


Government Actions (Reading)

Read from pages 365-373 of the textbook.

(See "Understanding the Law" section below for the assignment)


Environmental Protection in Retreat (Reading and Questions)

Read from pages 373-376 of the textbook.

More information on Walkerton


(i) Who was at fault?

(i) What charges were laid?  

(iii) Was the government responsible for what happened?  If so, what charges could you bring against the government as an individual citizen for what happened?


Self-Regulation versus Government Enforcement (Assignment)

Assignment:  Read pages 377-378 and answer questions 1, 2, and 5, page 378.


Methods of Legal Inquiry:  Intepreting Statutes (Assignment)

Assignment: Read pages 380-381 and answer questions 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6, page 381. 


You Decide:  Using the Environmental Bill of Rights  (Assignment)

Assignment: Read  pages 382-383 and answer questions 1-4, page 383.


Key Terms  (Assignment)

In your own words, define the following terms:

injunction                       public nuisance

legislative authority       riparian rights

negligence                      standing

private nuisance             statutory authority


Understanding the Law  (Assignment)

Review the following pieces of legislation found below and, in a sentence or two, summarize the intent of each and one drawback of each.  You can either look at the chapter text for information or click on the legistion for access to the original document.


Environmental Assessment Act

Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993

Environmental Protection Act


This assignment should be completed by Monday, February 8th.



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