Assignment One
View the powerpoint presentation on storyboards here and read What is a Storyboard?.
Assignment Two
After watching several scenes from different films, choose one scene to storyboard. This storyboard will be handed in. You can find blank storyboards here.
Assignment Three
Choosing one scene from a script, storyboard the scene and film it. You can find your favourite script here.
Assignment Four
Record your thoughts on the storyboard process and the filming process in the comments section below.
Comments (1)
wikiuser0001 said
at 7:25 am on Jun 19, 2009
If you were creating a movie I think the storyboard process would be a very exciting step. It is the first time where you can actually set up and see what the movie is going to look like. However it would also be a very tedious and demanding job since you have to draw out almost every shot. This is fine to do if you are making a very short film-hower if it were any feature length film the job could take a very long time.
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