Assignment One: Introduction to the Screenplay
View a powerpoint presentation on the screenplay here and read the handout called "Writing Your Screenplay."
Assignment Two: Viewing a Screenplay
a) Consider a film you have recently watched. Does the three act structure fit for that film? Explain how in the comments section below.
b) Take a look at the excerpt from a screenplay found here. What conventions of screenwriting, according to the powerpoint presentation, can be found in this screenplay? Post your answer the comments section below.
Assignment Three: Writing a Screenplay
Using the story found here (it is a story that you might have read in grade 10), develop an original screenplay in classic style that could be used to make two minutes of film (one page of screenplay = one minute of film). Important note: Since it is only for two minutes of film, the screenplay will not include the whole story.
The screenplay segment will be handed in.
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