Narrative, Magic, and Illusion
Part One: The Great Train Robbery and A Trip to the Moon
As technology improved and the audience demanded more from filmmakers, film content began to take on a narrative structure, created from both editing and choice of shots and angles. Viewing the following examples, comment on the following on the Film Viewing page:
- do you see the elements of a story?
- what camera techniques is the filmmaker using to tell the story?
- do you see any of the following: panning, tracking, intercutting (parallel editing/crosscutting e.g. chase scenes), analytical editing (establishing long shot followed by a close shot), contiguity editing (e.g. character moves out of one shot and reappears in nearby locale)
- is the colour tinting effect useful in The Great Train Robbery? how about the musical accompaniment?
- Are there elements in this western that are common to other western films?
- How is the "magic" created in Melies' film?
Part Two: George Melies' and Film "Magic"
Reading on the beginning of cinema.
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