

Page history last edited by Sheridan Hay 15 years, 6 months ago

Understanding Film



Lesson One:  Film Styles 


Lesson Two:  Shots and Scenes


Lesson Three: Storyboards


Lesson Four:  Screenplays


Lesson Five: Film Production 


Unit Final Assignment:


The assignment is to write a film review of a film that you have recently watched (and can hopefully watch again).  The review should discuss all aspects of the film that have been presented in this unit, identifying its genre, style, how the film is constructed and edited, the screenplay, if possible, its use of storyboards (if it is a DVD with such a special feature) and its overall production quality (cinematography, music, editing, story/narrative, acting).  There will be a rubric posted soon, but for now, consider that the piece should demonstrate your knowledge of the material.  Choose a film you know well.




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