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ENG2D1 Unit Two

Page history last edited by Sheridan Hay 14 years, 10 months ago

 Super Humans

What is a hero?  What purpose do heroes serve in our culture and literature?  How do they help us understand ourselves better?


MAY 2010











3 Unit One:  Assignments Seven (Dreams) and Eight (Loneliness) and Culminating Assignment

4 Unit Two:  Part One (Traditional Heroes)

5 Unit Two:  Part Two (Superheroes)

Assignment One:  Superman in Music


6 Unit Two:  Part Two (Superheroes)

Assignment Two:  Superman in Film


7 Unit Two:  Part Two (Superheroes)

Assignment Three:  Superman in Print and Other Media (The Story of Superman)

Unit One Culminating Assignment Due











10 Unit Two:  Part Two (Superheroes)

Assignment Three:  Superman in Print and Other Media (the Original Action Comic and the Superman Cartoon) 

11 Unit Two:  Part Two (Superheroes)

Assignment Three:  Superman in Print and Other Media ( on Radio and on TV)



12 Unit Two:  Part Two (Superheroes)

Assignment Three:  Superman in Print and Other Media (Superman in Comics)


13 Unit Two:  Part Two (Superheroes)

Assignment Four:  It’s a Bird…

14 Unit Two:  Part Two (Superheroes)

Assignment Four:  It’s a Bird…






17 Unit Two:  Part Two (Superheroes)

Assignment Four:  It’s a Bird…


18 Unit Two:  Part Two (Superheroes)

Assignment Four:  It’s a Bird…

19 Unit Two:  Part Three (Modern Heroes) Research Assignment


 20 Unit Two:  Part Three (Modern Heroes) Research Assignment

21 Unit Two:  Part Three (Modern Heroes) Research Assignment








24 Victoria Day

25 Unit Two:  Part Four (Constructing Your Own Hero)

26 Unit Three:  Humans and. Destiny (viewing the text)

27 Unit Three:  Humans and Destiny (viewing the text)

28 Unit Three:  Humans and Destiny (viewing the text)

Unit Two Culminating Assignment Due


IMPORTANT:  You are advised to follow the deadlines on the calendar as closely as possible so that you do not fall behind.  


Part One:  Traditional Heroes

1. The first part of the assignment is to read a number of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian myths that tell stories of heroes and heroines.  From those readings, search for patterns and common elements between the stories, including:

i) How a hero is defined in those stories

ii) What does the hero do in the story? 

ii) What makes that character a hero in the story?

iii) What makes it possible for that character to become a hero? 

2. Provide a written response to these questions for at least one of each type (Greek, Roman, Egyptian) of myth that you read. 

3. Create your own one-page myth that includes the common elements that you found in the first part of this assignment.


This assignment should be completed by Thursday, October 29th.



Part Two: Superheroes

Click on the superhero icon to access the assignments:




Other heroes



Part Three: Modern Heroes

Your assignment is to choose someone who you consider to be a modern-day hero and create a two page written work on who that person is and why they are a hero.

Some possible assignment options:

  • a two page comic
  • a bristol board collage of images, deeds, and a short biography
  • a short slide show with narrative
  • a newspaper front page, cd cover (and song list), or short scrapbook (no more than 5 pages)


Recalling how it was claimed that Superman was the kind of hero needed in the United States during the late 1930s, what kind of hero do you think is needed for modern day Canada?



Part Four:  Constructing Your Own Hero

(follow the above link to the assignment)





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