
ENG1D1 Poetry

Page history last edited by Sheridan Hay 14 years, 9 months ago

Poetic Forms and Voices


Assignment #1:  Readings About Poetry


  1. Define the following forms of poetry:
    1. Lyric
    2. Expository
    3. Didactic
    4. Narrative
    5. dramatic



Assignment #2:  “Crosswords” by Leah Ross

Page 109, Sightlines 9


  1. What is the theme of the poem?
  2. Describe the images created.
  3. Analyze the diction by identifying examples of:  alliteration; assonance; consonance; and patterns of rhyme.
  4. Create your own crossword-style poem based on one of the following themes:

      (i) friendship (ii) love (iii) family (iv) loneliness   (Use a thesaurus to find words           that describe the theme, then organize the words)



Assignment #3: The Execution” by Alden Nowlan

Page 19, Sightlines 9


  1. Prepare an analysis of the poem (review the hand-outs)



Assignment #4: The Last Saskatchewan Pirate” by the Arrogant Worms

Page 28, Sightlines 9


  1. Prepare an analysis of the poem (review the poetry analysis handout in the English folder).



Assignment #5:  Media Work

Sightlines 9


  1. Choosing a poem from the Sightlines 9 textbook (not one of the poems above) or a poem of your choice from somewhere else, develop a plan/proposal/finished product of the poem produced in a different media form, such as a song, picture, video.


Poetry and Media  NEW!



Part One:  Advertising


(i) View How to Read an Ad

Complete the worksheet


(ii) View Claims in Advertising

Complete the worksheet


Part Two:  What is Poetry?



Assignment #1:

Read “Poetry in Advertising” and answer questions 1, 2, and 4 (found in your folder).  I would suggest using ads selected from Window to the Future, but there are some other sources:





Assignment #2:

Read “Poetry is the Language of the Senses.”  (found in your folder)

(1)   In a paragraph, summarize the main point of the essay.

(2)   What is your relationship with poetry?  Do you dislike it?  Like it?  Define what a poem is – in your own words.



Assignment #3:

Read “From The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge” by Rainer Maria Rilke.  (found in your folder)   

This is a difficult reading, but I think one worth making an effort to understand.  What does Rilke say about the writing of poetry?  When is one able to write it and what does one write about?




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